Cheshire 290 road studs tested at nine year

Series 290 Road Stud

The 3M™ Marker Series 290 Reflecting Road Stud has long been considered the leading surface mounted road stud available and this was supported by Cheshire County Councils report on road stud performance.

3M has combined innovative technologies such as advanced optical design, hard ceramer coatings and computer aided contruction design to produce a highly visible. long-lasting system that stands a cut above surface mounted road studs.

3M recently joined forces with RoadCraft and Flemings to offer the Series 290 Road Stud, amongst other products, to the traffic safety market. The companies undertook an evaluation of the 3M 290 Road Stud, which confirmed the industry’s increasing awareness of its out-standing performance. Various contractors and clients were involved in the project, which included Cheshire County Council compiling a comprehensive report on road stud performance. The full text of this report is available from Roadcraft.

According to Neil Theobald, Principal Projects Officer at the time with Cheshire County Council, “We have monitored the performance of the 290 Road Stud over the last 9 years. It has certainly proved to withstand the test of time, and indeed, a recent visual night time inspection has shown this stud to retain more of its initial reflectivity than other alternative road studs at this site. As a result, we have amended future specifications to include the 3M 290 Road Studs on all Cheshire’s roads.”

Available in all colour combinations of white, amber, red and green, the marker’s high performance lens yields high brightness retroflected light when illuminated by car headlights, with reflective values in excess of the requirements of BS EN 1463 Part1.